Oh God why I received notification for this article, WHY? First when you writing article about topics like this I would expect facts and not personal opinions, tech is not working like this. I will explain you two your "WHY".
1. Error checking? I don't know what even u mean by this, but you have all the same as native platform that they have plus dart dev tool so that you can error check and inspect like u are running web.
2. RN benefit is that it's compiling code to the "Native" code? But you know that native of native is C++ or Objective C?
3. Which leads me to design option where u are telling that you are more flexible in UI. Compiling to C++, Objective C, allows flutter to has his own UI Engine and as it is using canvas you can draw whatever you like and you can imagine. Additional tip is that you could even use C++ or Objective C ORMS for storing data without compiling to "your native" which makes you able to store and read data in double speed at least
4. And last and not least mentioning names, while half of them are from Meta company owners doesn't make sense. Anyhow regarding names, if some big company is using it doesn't necessarily means that product is good or bad, maybe it's just not recognized because of date of birth, because it's not developet yet etc. Which doesn't mean that it will in couple of years. And we as developers should recognize these facts way earlier so that you are not starting with RN now when in 5 years it will not exists (this is just example not really think it will not exists)