Install process:
- Download flutter SDK
- Unzip
- Add path
- Install plugin for Studio
- Run flutter upgrade
On Android:
- Install Studio
- Download SDK
- Before Kotlin — install JDK
- Before Kotlin — Add JDK to path
To be honest I don’t see difference, especially if you take in concerns that you are deploying app on two platforms. If you want to make same app for iOS you need to setup XCode, sdk bla bla..
For external libraries, you have that also on Android platform, except that Java has been used on this platform many many years and all issues regarding Android are fixed or knowing until now. Android development has the best community by my opinion, there is no issue on Android that has not solution on internet. On other hand, flutter is old 1 year.
You are right, they have a lot of issues, any I am hoping that they will speed up process of fixing these, but at same time they are developing one code base principle for 3/4/5 platforms.
Also, I would love to see what is number of Android issues in first year of development, especially with JAVA. And regarding Android studio I would even talk, because if anyone of you has used version 0.0.1 knows what I talked about.
I absolutely agree that bugs regarding text fields are painful, and by my opinion they should have priority.
For SVG you can use font without any library, or async calls.
Regarding design, youp yu are right that they have some mistakes, but also if you are developing cross platform most likely that you will not follow strictly Cupertino or Material design, because you need to develop code for both platforms and if you put Material design to iOS platform, users will be pissed. In these cases you need to have really good designer. Also, if you are developing in flutter framework you should know what is value for body1, title .. they should be the same as on material theme, but it is logical to check what are you using.
I don’t know, flutter for me is very good, I have also experience I Android development around 2/3 years, but for I am on flutter side. It is faster to develop, one code base — for now, “only” two platforms, it is much easier to modify graphic elements then on Android / iOS, one code for design and functionality.
But on the end anyone should you what he likes and where he is more comfortable.